Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Whats up Revolutin?? Its been a long time since I have been on the blog. Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying our services on Thursday nights and bible study on Sunday nights. It has been a great, and we anticipate great things to come. I want to share with you this brand new series we will be going through over the next few weeks. It is called Attached!
Everyone is attached to someone or something that brings them happiness or contentment. That can result in some very high highs and some very low lows. What if you could attach yourself to something - actually Someone - so that no matter what life brought, you were content and knew who you were?
Here's the weekly breakdown of the Attached series:Week 1: Strings (What we are attached to determines our contentment.)Week 2: Who am I? (What we are attached to determines who we are.)Week 3: Leaning (Attaching ourselves to Christ requires "unattaching" ourselves from everything else, a choice that requires risk on our behalf.)

I am very excited about this series and hope you are too. Begin now asking God to speak to you through this series and His word. It will be life changing. Look forward to seeing you every Thursday night at 7pm. Doors open at 6 for games, relaxing, food from the cafe, ping pong tournaments, music and fun. We look forward to growing in Christ with you.
Mike Uptain