Tuesday, August 4, 2009

ARE YOU READY FOR A REVOLUTION August 20th is just around the corner. We are starting our worship event on this date at 7pm!!! It is going to be CRAZY for JESUS up in dere! North Valley Church http://www.mynvc.org/ got directions on it! Come and join with us in worship to our Savior, our King.
Our mission is to connect students to God through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and to serve and love others as we grow in our faith in Him. Matthew 22:37-39. I am excited to be apart of something God is doing in this community. Our first event was held on July 24th. We had 104 in attendance and 4 students made decision to follow Christ. We give God all the glory!

DJRagz kicked the night off with some amazing beats, and DPB came out and set the house on fire for God! We had a fun game where students were eating gross baby food...yuck.....and smiley won the challenge! The gospel was preached in a very simple way, simple message..Jesus will meet you where your at and CHANGE YOUR LIFE, just like he did the woman at the well. John 4. That night.....lives were forever changed by the grace of God. We are very excited to start this weekly event starting August 2oth at 7pm. Please invite your friends who may not know Christ as their savior. Thanks goes out to all the volunteers who made this event possible. Thank you to everyone who stayed and cleaned up. We get to do it again and again and again and again!!

We also want to thank the local churches who brought out their students to this event. May God bless you all.

SEE YOU AUGUST 20th!!!!!!
Mike Uptain
Youth Pastor
North Valley Church

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Summer Jam

Hello everyone!

It is time for our Summer Jam/Preview event on July 24th @ 7pm. We will be having a dynamic, high energy, powerful worship event on this date! We are very excited to see God move in a mighty way through the St. Clair County area and in the lives of students from all over. God has positioned us all together to spread the gospel, the good news, of His Son Jesus Christ in order to save and to changel lives. You better hold on, Jesus Christ is sweeping through this county and he is kicking the devil in the teeth and the chains that is holding our teenagers down are about to be free, by the power of the blood of the one who died and rose again for us. His name is above every name, He is the king of kings and the Lord of lords, His name is JESUS!


Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Each one of us faces a battle within, a battle that may go unseen by those around, but inside there is major brawl. It’s a battle with temptation. And depending on the temptation and its hold on your life, it may be a battle that seems impossible to win. In this series, we will take a look at the temptations Jesus faced in the desert, and identify the driving forces behind the temptations we all face every day. Because once you realize what the pull is behind the temptation, you can find the confidence to follow Jesus’ example and respond as He did. Come join us this Sunday May 10th as we kick off this new series The Battle Within.

Mike Uptain

Saturday, February 28, 2009


What ticks you off? Traffic? Long Lines? People not posting on your facebook page? It's amazing how we do a 180 from happy to mad based on life meeting our expectations. But what if we got angry about things that really mattered? The things that devastate the people in our world? What if we quit being angry about the stuff that doesn't matter and got angry about the stuff that does? Starting March 8th we will be going through this new series. I am looking forward to getting angry with you. Come and join us March 8 at 4pm and lets get Angry together.
We are also planning an outing for the guys and the girls. Guys, we will be going camping on March 20th. Bring your tent, warm clothes, and food. We are going to rough it over night and have a great time hanging out by the campfire. Bring your bibles.....God's word by campfire is going to be life changing!!!
Girls, its going to be a sleep over at Rachel Nelsons house. Bring your pj's and your makeup stuff. you will be hanging out talking about boys and watching girly movies. GREAT TIMES and memories. Bring your bible because you are sure to look at God's word during your stay.
Dont forget about our new series. I am stoked about this one. It is going to be great.
Mike Uptain

Sunday, February 8, 2009


What comes to mind when you think about God? Who do you believe God is, and how do you believe God interacts with you personally and with your world? These are questions we are going to be addressing in this three-week series - Godview. You see, every one of us has a Godview, and that Godview affects everything we do. The tension in this series is that we don't ever really know everything about God. There are things that each one of us knows about God now that we didn't know five years ago because God is constantly revealing Himself to us through the relationship that we have with Him. And while we'll never really know everything about God - because He's that big and that mysterious - the things we can learn about Him shape the way we respond to whatever life brings. That's why author A.W. Tozer said, "What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us."

This is a 3 week series. Come join us for worship/bible study/small groups/and games every Sunday at 4pm to 5:30pm. Come on and rock out with us. We look forward to seeing you there.

Mike Uptain