Saturday, February 28, 2009


What ticks you off? Traffic? Long Lines? People not posting on your facebook page? It's amazing how we do a 180 from happy to mad based on life meeting our expectations. But what if we got angry about things that really mattered? The things that devastate the people in our world? What if we quit being angry about the stuff that doesn't matter and got angry about the stuff that does? Starting March 8th we will be going through this new series. I am looking forward to getting angry with you. Come and join us March 8 at 4pm and lets get Angry together.
We are also planning an outing for the guys and the girls. Guys, we will be going camping on March 20th. Bring your tent, warm clothes, and food. We are going to rough it over night and have a great time hanging out by the campfire. Bring your bibles.....God's word by campfire is going to be life changing!!!
Girls, its going to be a sleep over at Rachel Nelsons house. Bring your pj's and your makeup stuff. you will be hanging out talking about boys and watching girly movies. GREAT TIMES and memories. Bring your bible because you are sure to look at God's word during your stay.
Dont forget about our new series. I am stoked about this one. It is going to be great.
Mike Uptain

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